Bannière massothérapie

Massage Therapy

Relaxing Sweedish Massage

Enjoy a relaxing sweedish massage to reduce stress and anxiety levels. It will also increase blood flow for poor circulation, release unwanted toxins and calm the body to help for a good night’s sleep

Therapeutic Swedish Massage

Similar to that of relaxing but the therapeutic focuses on specific regions of the body that are either tense or causing pain. In my belief, we do not create pain to rid pain. Therapeutic should not be painful but it will work the muscle to a deeper level than that of a relaxing massage.

In Home Massage

Detente Infinie comes to you. Book and appointment ahead of time and enjoy a massage in the comfort of your own home or for a venue.


60 minute massage: 80$
90 minute massage: 110$

In home massage
60 minutes: 110$
90 minutes: 140$
(+ 1$/km if more than 30km)


Specially designed sleeves that slip on body segments are pumped with air at specific pressure. It pressurizes at the body’s extremities to the center of the body. It increases blood flow and lymphatic flow in the body. Can help with certain body pain, digestive issues, restless leg syndrome and more.


You can chose between legs, arms and hips Pressotherapy. One treatment at a time but they can be cumulative.

10 minute Pressotherapy: 15$
20 minute Pressotherapy: 25$
30 minute Pressotherapy: 35$

